Dell has said previously that the Inspiron Mini 10 netbook would eventually come with two screen resolution options, an internal HD TV tuner, and a high-capacity battery. On Tuesday, the company lived up to the first part of its three promises. In addition to the ho-hum 1,024-by-576 resolution that came with the previous version, a 1,366-by-768 (or 720p) option is now available for a $35 upgrade. So far, the Mini 10 is the only netbook that offers such a resolution.
The HP Mini 2140 was the first netbook to offer dual resolution options when it announced earlier this year, but has yet to sell the 720p option on its website. The Mini 10 is not the only netbook sporting a WXGA resolution, though. The Inspiron Mini 12 is the company's 12-inch netbook that ships with a standard 1,280-by-800 resolution. Recently, Samsung has also announced a 12-inch netbook, the NC10-14GB, that will undoubtedly feature a 1,280-by-800 resolution.
Rabu, 01 April 2009
Dell Adds 720p Resolution Option to Mini 10
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